Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rcursion in C???

dose any one know how exactly to do recursion in C. i am trying to simply make a program to list files in a directory and recursivly goes through each sub directory and list the files they contain. i cant seem to get it to go more than one levle deep, because once i am down one level my check to see if the file i have encountered is a directory always returns 0. i am using the macro in the sys/stat.h and unistd.h libraries which is S_ISDIR(statBuffer.st_mode);

any help on this topic would be great

Rcursion in C???
You need to think about your exit return.

function yourfunction(isfinished)


if (isfinished==false)


do something if it's done isfinished=true




public void main()


bool isfinished='false';



Something like that.
Reply:Since your problem is that your function which checks if the element of a directory is itself ALSO a directory (You said it always returns a 0) Then I guess all you have to do is fixed that function and ensure that it recognizes a directory file from the other files in this way you can know when to go deeper (If you found out that the file is also a directory itself)

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